Known Bugs Masterlist

Hi everyone! I got my first bug report from a player, which is cool! 

I'm making a public list of glitches that I plan to fix in the next minor update! :D (I'll keep updating this list as more glitches are found or fixed.)

-> some of the arrow keys don't work in menus. Bug type: menu/controls

-> inventory menu sometimes glitches below the player character, because i didn't correctly layer it in all the rooms. Bug type: menu

-> trying to enter an area on the overworld map from the wrong angle glitches you back onto the overworld map. Bug type: collision/controls

-> some of the maps are still more barren that i would like. there are some rooms where i could have sworn i was going to add stuff but... i forgot!!! Bug type: unfinished

-> in the Dragon Fields sub-area, if you interact with the black dragon from the front you can get stuck inside him!! And, some of the other dragons there have too-big hitboxes. Bug type: collision

Feel free to let me know about any other glitches, constructive feedback, or issues you want fixed! You can report bugs in the comments, the youtube comments of the OST, or via my email (found in the help menu!)


-> choosing to enter the mountain gate the first time you enter the big map also makes your character disappear and you can't do anything for some reason. SAME softlock when you enter the dragon fields. Bug type: softlock. FIXED 1/12/2025


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